Tuesday, June 19, 2012

my oh my what a mess!

Sometimes I'll do anything to find something to keep Cohen occupied so this mommy can get something down! I'm usually yelling at Cohen for always trying to climb up on the kitchen chairs to play in the sink. I figured what the heck you love to play in the kitchen sink and I need a half hour to my self. Making sure I line the floor with towels because Cohen knows how to flood the kitchen! It worked for me, he was busy for at least 45 mins. I couldn't resist the photo opportunity and snapped away! He sure knows oh to enjoy the simple things in life!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

DVD Folio

Im really all about presentation. I love when any product is packaged nice. Something that grabs your attention. I had to whip up a last minute print release folio, I'm not in love with it but its not bad. I think I'm to picky and critical of the ideas of the perfect print, design and just the plain package look. So I wanted to share the look of this dvd folio I literally created in 20 mins.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Coco

Cohen is either easy to photographic or just plain impossible! He amazing me everyday with how fast his vocabulary is getting. He now is starting to put 2 words together, yes there are time that I stare at him and say I have no clue what your trying to say. We have our frustrating times but we figure it out soon enough.  He still loves trains (choo, choo is what he calls them) Shopping yesterday and he saw the train display through the window and he was in heaven. It's the little thing in life that matter the most!

Moo Cards

Ok I came across Moo Cards and I had to try them.  The options and choices were what I was looking for.  Printfinity? Print a different image on the back of your cards. Show off your portfolio!  Its all about first impressions right? I also ordered the showcase business card holder to take them with me of coarse. Here are a few pics off my fabulous cards! Did I mention I love just love them!

Ed + Joyce = True Love

Monday was my fun photo shoot with Ed and Joyce.  These two are celebrating there 50th wedding anniversary! Let me tell you these are totally still in love!! Enjoy the photos.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Urban Chic Photography: Day at the park

Urban Chic Photography: Day at the park: Love having family time on Sundays!! We get so caught up with our busy week and forget about the little things in life that mean so much.  ...

Day at the park

Love having family time on Sundays!! We get so caught up with our busy week and forget about the little things in life that mean so much.  I thinks its so important for my son to have the best memories of his childhood and to always enjoy the time we spend together as a family.  It was a beautiful day and we spent hours at the park skipping stone and playing on the playground. I love how the simple thing in life can keep Cohen happy for hours.  Although Cohen is still learning how to speak words he can get so flustered at times and can't help but have a melt down. My husband and I just look at him like "whats wrong, you were just laughing?"  He really wanted to just toss stones into the lake and we were just strolling pass the lake and he freaked out! So I turned around and snapped a couple photos of his flustered, upset face. It honestly makes me just laugh!  As soon as we figured out what he wanted it was like angels singing in his ears! Needless to say it ended up being another awesome day!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lost but not forgotten

I remember taken my sister out for here first photo shoot and how awesome this fall day was. These pictures were taken about 5 years ago. I can't believe how fast the time flies!! She is now married with a baby girl and a baby on the way. She has grown into a beautiful mother, sister, wife and friend.  Now I get to photograph my niece and her soon to be baby bump!!! So excited to become a aunt to another bundle of joy! So enjoy these lost photos of Cara!