Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Day In Cohen's Shoes!

My son is growing rapidly fast! I feel the little things we do for him during the day I will soon forget. I know I do things most parents would say No, No, No! So don't judge me!! Yes my son is always sleeping in our bed with us, every single night! I know he will be grow up soon enough and gone will be the days of no more snuggle time, play time and him telling me I am his best friend! Oh geez I have tears in my eyes now :( He knows what he wants the moment he wakes up. Cartoons in bed, chocolate milk which he wants heated up in the microwave. Still warm milk I know! He loves his pacifier and is obsessed with them. He needs more then one and just can't have one. I figured he will part with them one day. He has seemed to make his way to the couch with his meals. Oh well I'm lucky he is eating! Cohen is one picky eater.   Sometime he doesn't brush his teeth till the middle of the day. He can be stubborn. At least he does it.  We are so proud that age 2 1/2 he is potty trained all the way! Sorry I had to brag for a moment!! I put together a series of photos through his day. From morning, to potty time, breakfast, tub time, lunch, nap time, and all the in between. This is Cohen 2 years and 8 months old and I loved following him around all day! Enjoy! :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Elise} 11 days fresh!

I love getting to meet the littlest clients of all! They are the most precious. I had the pleasure to meet her brother and sister also!  Alison has such a beautiful family and I'm so glad she shared their new addition with me! Although I had purple picked out for this session I think baby Elise hated the color. She either loved to soil the fabric backdrop or just was plain fussy! Switched the backdrop and she was content and ready to give me her sleeping beauty moments!  Enjoy!