Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The end of our weekend...

Ok so I have about 5mins to write this blog, type this blog not write! Lol! Cohen is upstairs with daddy filling his bath (Cohen's bath!) I figured I'd sneak on the computer to finish up my blog from the weekend while I sip on my skinny girl cocktail, mmmm is this a good cocktail!! 

Anyways monday was Memorial Day and we went to watch the parade in Berea and grandma and grandpa McCarthy came along too. It was fun to see the look on Cohen's face as the fire trucks passed right by us. He was just smiling ear to ear! Did I mention it was 92 degrees out. So hot! We left the parade and heading for lunch and continued our day to hang out as a family.  I snapped a few photos from the parade and thought about my grandpa and thanked me lucky stars for our freedom and for the ones who served for all of us! Enjoy and have a fabulous rest of the week.

                           Whats a parade without a classic Mini Cooper!! 

 Cohen decided to help stack up all the cones. Now if I could get him to clean up at home!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

The weather has just been so beautiful and its just been an amazing weekend so far. We took our son to the Grand Pacific Junction to drool over the trains!! He is just in love with trains! We heading for ice cream and on our stroll to the park we showed him the church his daddy and I got married in. Yes we know he is way to young to care or understand what we were talking about but it meant something me. The weekend is still not over and we have a fun day planned tomorrow and hope to capture the right moments during the parade. For now here are our memories of this weekend!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Battle Wounds!

It's that time of year where my son just wants to be outside almost 24/7. He is discovering how fast he really can run and let me tell you how nervous I get!! My heart skips a beat when he wipes out and the flood gates open and the screaming pain of skinned knees!! I feel I will probably make a trip or two to the the ER this summer for how accident prone he is. I have to suck it up and hold my tears back when he has his classic moments of meeting the concrete! 

Last week Cohen was running playing basketball with daddy and hit the concrete so hard I cringed!! His tears came pouring out with the loud screams/ gasping for air in pain!! Soon after he calmed down he hiked his shorts up all evening saying "boo boo mama" Just like a typical boy proud of his battle wounds!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I just love happy feet!!!

Obsessing over toddler feet and there scuffed, wear and tear shoes!

I did some photos for a dear friend of mine and I just cant get over how adorable little Kelsey is! Her eyes can light up a room. Her silliness definitely comes from her daddy!! Here are a few photos to show you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crazy busy week!!

It's been a crazy week and I cant keep up!! I have took so many photos and I cant keep up with the editing. I can only find time when Cohen is napping and thats if I don't have to clean or do laundry or just pass out on the couch. Cohen has been keeping me busy. He has had so many play dates with his friends Brayden, Cameron and Kelsey. His cousin came to visit this week too! (Kayden and MaKenna) I took Cohen to toys r us yesterday and we got a water table and its been a hit! Ill have to shoot more photos of him the water table.  Here are a few pics from the week, have a wonderful and enjoy!

Daddy and Coco watching go karts at swings and things


                                                      Kayden's feet, chilling on the couch

                                                I love how she crosses her feet reading her book!

                                                                MaKenna is one chill baby!